iPhone 4.0 is here!

The new iPhone 4 has about 100 new features that aren't available in the current model. Some of the biggest changes include a higher-resolution screen, a bigger battery, a front facing camera, an HD photo (5 megapixels) and video camera, a gyroscope for improved rotation sensitivity and a thinner, more industrial look.

Apple unveiled the new phone's operating system in April, which on Monday, Apple redubbed "iOS 4." The new OS will be available to iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 users this summer. It will allow multitasking, use of folders, access to Apple's iBooks app and the new "iAd" mobile advertising network, though not all of the functions will be available on the old iPhones

I must have it!


Jerry Rhoads said…
Oh, and did I say it was coming out June 24th?

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