What happened to my Comic Book collection? Comic Books in the Cloud!?!
I remember reading about books going the way of the dodo bird. Looks like the iPad is going after the Kindle market in a way no-one would have ever thought --Comic Books. Neat huh? Actually this is very a smart concept in regards to cloud computing. I call it in the Pepsi approach to Paradigm
Back in the day (mid to late 80’s), Pepsi had a tough time beating out Coca-Cola or Coke. This was after the Pepsi challenge successfully demonstrated that Pepsi tasted better than Coke. So, why was Coke number 1? In a word, Paradigm --people do not like change. Pepsi was took a new approach; they changed their slogan to “Pepsi, the choice of a new generation". Hence they went after the kids –me. See the adults wouldn’t change their Paradigm, Pepsi realized that kids grow up and buy things –like a Pepsi Cola. Now as I approach 40, I buy a lot of Pepsi and my Kids drink it. My Parents and Grandparents are Coke fans. So why is this article on my Techie Blog?
Well, you see many are skeptical of Cloud Computing. So Apple is going after the media outlets –i.e the young and the young at heart. Remember I was a kid when I started drinking Pepsi, hence I had no paradigm or bias towards Coke --as an adult I drink Pepsi. Apple is doing the same in regards to Cloud Computing. They are going after the young tech newbies and creating a brand. Apple realized that the PC is dead. Sure there will be servers, as they are the backbone of the Cloud. However, the PC on your desk will be a thing of the past. The question is what will the workstation [or Cloud Device] of the future be?
Pepsi brought people over because they could offer the kids a better product at the same price. But college students and the targetable market who save for the MacBook, the iPhone, the iPod, iPod Touch... now there's another iDevice? I feel that Apple's pricing model is quickly becoming the iCantAffordThis.