I just incorporated MobyApp . Mobi in Nevada! Well ok , I started the process with BlumbergExcelsior , should be a corporation within a week --wish me luck! Let me tell you it has been an exciting two weeks, hence I have been radio silent on the blog. My biz partner Lin and I have been defining goals and working aggressively to meet them (i.e. a business plan). So far we are on track. Next on the list is trademarking our logo --I will post it once it is official. Our company MobiApp . mobi will develop applications for the iPhone and iPad . Sounds exciting? Do you want a job? We are looking for Objective C and Cocoa developers. On another note I picked up a book titled "Beyond the Cloud". It is written by CEO and Founder of Salesforce .com, Marc Benioff (my new hero and unofficial mentor). The book is about how Marc dreamed up the concept to deliver a Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) system delivered via the Internet cloud. His company, Salesforce .com, is empowere...