Mainframes, the good ole days......
Give me a green screen day any day of the week. Now before you say I am crazy, let me explain. Back in the day, we had these centralized systems called mainframes. They were very expensive and were high maintenance. Given these high costs, the systems maintained 99.999 to 100% of hardware availability --WOW! I remember hearing how mainframers were scared to turn off or reboot (they call it IPL) the mainframe. Some mainframes have been up for years before needing an IPL! Why do newer more advanced server computers have to be rebooted daily? How many times does Chicken Little have to run around the office screaming the "network is down"? Is it because servers are cheaper than mainframes? Is it because the server guy/girl is clueless? Are the applications junk? Why? Why? Why? Well here are my thoughts.... 1. Servers are cheaper! Not only are they cheaper they are not all that different than your Personal Computer (PC). How many times do you reboot your PC? How many of us put the...